World Cancer Day Prayer 2020

World Cancer Day Prayer 2020

The most precious gift which you can give to the worldwide cancer patients on world cancer day February 4, 2020, is “Pray. So, we have also managed a pray program event for cancer patients. Under this pray event, you just need to submit a prayer request for...
World Cancer Day 4 February 2020

World Cancer Day 4 February 2020

World Cancer Day is a worldwide upcoming event which will be held on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 and the campaign theme is “I am and I will”. This is a single initiative to unite the people of the world under one banner to fight against the epidemic cancer....
List of Colours and Months for Cancer Ribbons

List of Colours and Months for Cancer Ribbons

Cancer Ribbons are simply a sign to promote the world cancer awareness day. There are multiple types of cancer ribbons with their own symbolic colour. People wear these ribbons to show their support for people with cancer. It’s a silent way to spread cancer...

Cancer Ribbon Colors And Months

Cancer Ribbons are also known as “Cancer Awareness Ribbons” a loop of colourful ribbons that people wear to show their support for cancer people or to raise awareness about cancer. People are often embarrassed and confused while recognizing a specific...