World Cancer Day is a worldwide upcoming event which will be held on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 and the campaign theme is “I am and I will”. This is a single initiative to unite the people of the world under one banner to fight against the epidemic cancer. World Cancer Day is celebrated across the world every year. The basic purpose of world cancer day is to raise awareness of cancer, and its detection, prevention and treatment. World Cancer Awareness Day educates the people with cancer that how our early precautions can make the disease controllable. The world cancer day event is sponsored by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). There is 2 biggest supporter of UICC.

  1. World Health Organization (WHO)
  2. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

Every year on 4th February, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide their support for UICC to reduce the global burden of cancer. The UICC is the world’s largest cancer-fighting organization.

Campaign Theme 2020 I Am And I Will

The campaign theme of 2020 “I am and I will is an empowering call-to-action which urges everyone for personal commitment against cancer. Now, it’s time to take action. The theme, “I am and I will represent” the power of individual action which is taken now to impact the future. The “I am and I will” 2020 campaign explores how everyone-as a collective or as individuals-can take action to ease the global burden of cancer. World Cancer Awareness Day represents a unique opportunity for people across the world to draw attention that what can be done to save millions of preventable cancer deaths.

What Can We Do On World Cancer Day 2020?

We can do many things on world cancer day 2020 for cancer patients. Like, Cancer supporters all over the world will arrange seminars, walks, programs and more other activities to promote the day. They also promote world cancer awareness day through social media. Like, if you also want to do something for world cancer day then you can share this post to your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

A Special Prayer For World Cancer Day 2020

The most precious thing which we can give to the cancer patients on world cancer day 2020 is “Pray“. Every Year, on World Cancer Day 4th February from 12 Am-11:59 Pm our Pray team especially Pray to God for the healing of cancer patients in our pray program. Keep reading to learn more about pray program.

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